Kilo-Class Submarines

The Project 877 Paltus is the Russian official name for all the Kilo class submarines. Those that have been upgraded are known as Project 636 Varshavyanka. Along with the Lada class, they are the only submarines in service with the Russian Navy to be powered by the conventional diesel electric system. However, these submersible warships are among the stealthiest in the world, especially the improved Kilo class.

They are surreptitious and they also have high-tech sonars (MG-519EM and MGK-400EM), which allow them to detect the signature and noise of an enemy warship from a distance of 130 km away. According to a reliable source, there are twenty seven Kilo class submarines, including the upgraded ones, in active service with the Russian Navy as of May 2022.

Since their range is limited by their propulsion system, they were designed to patrol the sea waters adjacent to the Russian territorial coasts, so that the nuclear-powered submarines could be released of this duty and be employed on the high seas. This is the main reason why the Kilo class subs are in service with the Russian Black Sea fleet and the Baltic Sea flotilla. Being furtive and armed with hypersonic anti-ship missiles and torpedoes make the Project 877 and the 636 improved Kilo class subs extremely fit to patrol and protect strategic Russian naval bases.


The Kilo class U-boats are fitted with the most advanced weaponry in the world. To attack and sink enemy vessels, such as an aircraft carrier, they are fitted with ten 3M-54 Kalibr anti-ship missiles as well as with eighteen VA-111 Shkval 533mm smart torpedoes + anti-submarine missiles and mines. These torpedoes are super fast as they are capable of reaching the maximum speed of 250 knots.


Length: 74 m

Beam (width): 9.9 m

Draft: 6.5 m

Displacement: 4,000 tons (submerged)

Power plant: 5,900 shp diesel electric, generating 4,4000 KW, with one propeller.

Maximum speed: 26 knots (submerged)

Maximum depth water pressure resistance: 400 m

Stealth technology: classified

Below, an Improved Kilo class submarine moored to a naval base dock in 2019.

Project 636 sub cruising on the surface of the Black Sea near a Crimean Russian Naval Base in 2018. Right now, they are silently lurking underwater waiting for the NATO ships to come.

A Kilo class sub on port.


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