Triomphant Class Submarine

A Triomphant class submarine is one of four strategic missile submarines in service with the French Navy. They are nuclear-powered and fitted with stealth technology. They were built on the shipyards of Cherbourg, Normandy, France, by the DCNS firm. They are Le Triomphant, Le Temeraire, Le Vigilant, Le Terrible, being commissioned in 1997, 1999, 2004, and 2010 respectively.

Preceded by the Redoutable class, these French submarines are armed with M-51 ballistic missiles, which have a 4,200-km range and carry six warheads, and eighteen torpedoes. They are fitted with a nuclear reactor, two steam turbines, one electric motor, and one shaft pump jet propulsor. They cruise and patrol the waters of the Atlantic, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean.


Length: 138 m (453 ft)

Beam: 12.50 m (41 ft)

Displacement: 14,335 tons (submerged)

Draft: 10.60 m (34.8 ft)

Power Plant: K15 pressurized  water-cooled reactor

Speed: 25 knots

Range: unlimited distance.

Complement: 111

Below, a Triomphant-class submarine, Le Temeraire, sailing in the Atlantic Ocean


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